Complete Communities

Developing complete communities that improve quality of life for Austinites, including affordable housing, transportation, mixed-use and creative spaces, access to thriving small businesses and support services like child care.

Current & Prospective Projects

Our Rally for complete community development means that we work tirelessly to ensure the full context of what a neighborhood or community needs to thrive is top of mind for every project. This subset of projects prioritizes the growth and development of marginalized or underserved communities throughout Austin, including our active work on Blocks 16 and 8 of East 11th Street as part of the development of the African American Cultural Heritage District.

Check back soon for more information on current & prospective projects as pages are developed in the near future.

Blocks 16 & 18
Mosaic wall art in downtown Austin, TX

Within the context of the development of the African American Cultural Heritage District, we are facilitating the disposition of two parcels on behalf of the Urban Renewal Agency into signature mixed-use developments. Our goal is to provide thriving small businesses, cultural anchors and distinctive affordable housing that reinforce the cultural identity of the district.

Learn more about our work on Blocks 16 & 18.
Public Asset Inventory

Developing a public asset inventory of existing resources and strategic opportunities from the City and across Rally Austin's affiliate organizations to drive more collaborative and inclusive development.

Join our Rally

Our Contributors

We couldn’t achieve our mission without the help of numerous partners and contributors. These organizations share our vision of a culturally resilient and economically integrated Austin.

Chris Rios
Regional Vice President of Philanthropy and Community Impact
Wells Fargo

“Rally Austin’s dedication to transforming Blocks 16 and 18 into a vibrant, mixed-use development is a direct reflection of the Wells Fargo Foundation’s strategic pillars of Affordable Housing and Small Business Growth. We are proud partners of the Rally Austin team and their transformative work ensuring communities throughout Austin can flourish.”